! GIF87a My Calendar Contacts PrefNoteIconMdatPICT PrefNoteIconMdatPICTTIFFGIFf My Calendar Notes OK MC&MC4.0$1996#2 Enter a year to display between 1905 and 2039 , Please enter a new topic. (More than 1 and less than 100 characters) TEXT???? TEXT Error deleting the topic! Are you sure you want to delete the Topic? This cannot be undone! Empty New Topic Please enter a new topic. (More than 1 and less than 101 characters) Please Rename the Note. (More than 1 and less than 101 characters) Enter the text to search for in all notes.. - - Style Info continuing This note Help Voices MM / - , You cannot print by a category until you pay the sharewae fees! ••• Blank Record You can only use 20 records until you pay the sharewae fees! Delete this record? 1 Sizes larger than 3x5 inches are scaled for the display! The current setup will not fit on the selected page size! Shall I update/save it anyway? - The contacts file could not be found. Should I create a new one? Cont Postnet , My Lists & Labels Contacts TEXTDabl Contact Data Export Data As.. TEXT MC@^!TempSort ContDabl Untitled Contact New Contact File Name? , ##.### Bad icon or unreadable color version! An Icon already exists for this date. Should I replace it? - Icon display is off. Icons can be added but will not appear until display is turned on. Continue? You cannot add more icons to the calendars until you pay the shareware fees! A note exists already. Shall I replace the existing note? Delete the existing note? 1 : My Calendar Notes for: September 28 : A date error occured. Shall I continue? Future use 70-30 70 Clear the selected notes and icons? This operation cannot be undone! Save Notes As.. Notes NoteDaba Shall I delete/replace the existing note? Shall I delete the existing note? Note conflict on Note conflict on : - / TEXTttxt Page Setup must be verticle. Try Again No commas are allowed in the data fields! , Are you sure you want to delete the banner? There is a banner note conflict. Shall I delete the existing note? - / ##.## A note/icon exists for this date. Shall I replace/remove it? Remove this icon? The Help file was not found. It must be labeled My Calendar Help and in the same folder as My Calendar!! My Calendar ©Dabs Software My Calendar Demo The calendar is bigger than the current page setup. Shall I print it anyway? - / : Alarm The size selected is larger than the current page size! Accept it anyway? My Calendar Icons Other... dbdbdb August Printing Notes Printing Notes Note Edit Note Edit Banner Banner Banner Note Note Note 27 Wednesday April Click Here Choose a window color Save PICT as... PICTttxt ##.## Untitled Save Setup As.. PrefDaba You cannot create new setup files until you pay the shareware fees! MCPref Wednesday November 31, 1996XXX MC Demo , - - Item Number _pgHelpWnd Help z Marked Enabled Disabled Help File Name Closing PICT Can't Undo Undo Millions Thousands 256 Colors 16 Colors 4 Colors B & W Screen % Untitled Imag Window Opening Image Creating Selection Saving Undo Out of memory Insufficient memory for GWorld GRFX 1 Insufficient memory for BWorld Empty List / STR# Error not be marked as changed. The modified resource could CHANGERESOURCE failed. PICT PICT Window PIC2 Window Invert Strike Thru Subscript Superscript FOND Undo My Note Pad Shareware ©Dabs Software 1996 PM AM PM pm AM am : ^ - ## / HELP.FLTR Topics.FLTR TEXT.FLTR GRFX.FLTR Progress.FLTR PICT.FLTR HFS Util.FLTR Keyboard Util.FLTR Print Util.FLTR ICN3.FLTR POP!.FLTR STR#.INCL Save document as… Untitled Document . Window You cannot open any more windows ERROR